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Brick Paver Repair & Restoration



There are numerous types of brick paver hardscape restoration projects we encounter every day, when meeting with prospective clients. When starting a new brick paver repair project, in almost every case we are identifying the root cause, disassembling the existing brick paver structure and reassembling in a manner which provides an "as new" appearance and prevents reoccurence of the existing problem.


When performing a brick paver repair, we take great care to identify any failure mode present, and correct it during the restoration process. Extreme care is taken in the dismantling process to ensure reuse of your brick pavers. If necessary, we apply cleaners to remove basic debris and efflorescence matter. All original brick pavers are then reinstalled with new base aggregate material, geotextile material, leveling sand and edge restraints. Brick pavers are then plate compacted and polymeric sand is applied to the joints, providing a stable and robust final support structure. Brick paver sealing is available and recommended to provide excellent appearance, surface protection and joint retention, resulting in a high-quality, better-than-new restoration. The Brick Paver Dr. performs all work according to ICPI standards, assuring elegant beauty and longevity of your brick paver hardscape repair. 


Brick paver hardscape installations will naturally require some maintenance. Things like rain, snow and temperature all have an affect on your brick paver hardscape over time. Additionally, we have found that the majority of brick paver failures we've corrected were usually due to some underlying, reversible cause such as:


  • poor original installation

  • inadequate compaction

  • missing edge restraints

  • improper materials

  • run-off slopes

  • improper drainage provisions

  • plugged drain tile

  • underlying sprinkler systems

  • downspout washout

  • creeping roots

  • ants and other insects

  • lack of joint stabilization


The most common type of brick paver hardscape project is a walkway or patio with an area of settled brick pavers. The cause is usually one of two situations:


  • base material washout

  • improper base material

  • poor base material preparation


The weak supporting base is a result of poor material and/or poor preparation of the base itself. Because these problems are so common, we produced a video, especially with homeowners in mind, which demonstrates how to properly perform a basic repair of an area with settled brick pavers.


The types of projects we encounter could be a complex raised patio with steps, a five-foot-high retaining wall, a series of twenty steps in a wandering staircase, or an area simply with some settled pavers. In every situation, we follow the same basic steps in completing the restoration project.



We hope you find this video instruction informative and helpful, especially if you plan on doing some brick paver repair work on your own. If you have any questions or need some help with your repair project, please feel free to contact us.



Our employees take personal pride in their final product and absolute customer satisfaction. If you're a brick paver specialist, and you're looking for a rewarding position with competitive pay, contact us to find out about current employment openings.



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MGIA Michigan Green Industry Association
ICPI Interocking Concrete Pavement Institue
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